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Pågående doktorgradsstudier (current):
- “Stastical evaluation of differences in non-selectivity between IVD-MDs and commutability of external quality assessment materials”, Pernille Kjeilen Fauskanger, Noklus/Universitetet i Bergen.
Avlagte doktorgrader (completed):
- Master in Health Sciences, Gro Gidske, Phd 2024: "Aspects of internal quality control and external quality assurance to ensure correct medical laboratory test results". Noklus/Universitetet i Bergen.
- Cand. med. Tone Bukve, Phd 2021: "External quality assurance of point-of-care testing: Participant performance and commutability of the control material".
- Cand. med. Åsne Bakke, Phd 2020: "Type 2 diabetes in general practice in Norway, status, time trends and quality of care".
- MSc. Pharm. Lillan Mo Andreassen, Phd 2019: "Diabetes in care homes. Special emphasis on medicines and blood glucose measurements”.
- Cand. scient. Thomas Røraas, Phd 2017: "Estimating Biological Variation: Methodological and Statistical Aspects”.
- Cand. med. Siri Carlsen, Phd 2016: "The use of HbA1c as quality indicator in diabetes care - analytical and clinical aspects". Noklus/The Norwegian Diabetes Register for Adults.
- Cand. san. Anne Vegard Stavelin, Phd 2013 "Analytical quality control of INR measurements in primary care".
- Cand. med. Ann-Helen Kristoffersen, Phd 2013 "Aspects of the use and interpretation of INR and D-dimer in primary and secondary care. Discussed in relation to different phases in laboratory medicine".
- Cand. med. Aasne Karine Aarsand, PhD 2012 "Diagnosing and monitoring the porphyrias; with special emphasis on how to differentiate sporadic and familial porphyria cutanea tarda, interpret changes in urinary porphobilinogen in acute intermittent porphyria and on the performance of porphyria specialist laboratories".
- Cand. med. Kristin Moberg Aakre, PhD 2011 "Use and Interpretation of Urine Albumin and estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Primary Health Care".
- Cand. pharm. Reidun LS Kjome, PhD 2010 "Diabetes Care in the Community Pharmacy-Focus on Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose".
- Cand. polit. Siri Fauli Munkerud, PhD 2009 "Decision making in general practice. The use of laboratory analyses from a health economics perspective".
- Cand. san. Gunn BB Kristensen, PhD 2008 "Self monitoring of blood glucose; aspects of analytical quality".
- Cand. med. Svein Skeie, dr. med. i 2002 "Aspects of quality in diabetes care with emphasis on blood glucose and HbA1c".
- Cand. med. Geir Thue, dr. med. i 1995 "The office laboratory. A study related to near patient testing in general practice and occupational health care".